Thursday, August 27, 2009

“Suck it Up” is Bad and Dangerous

 The traditional coaching axiom after what seems to be a minor injury is not only stupid, it is now being seen by experts as dangerous. We are heading into what some experts consider the ‘head trauma season’ in sports. Coaches, trainers, parents, it is wise to be prepared. 

    If a player receives an injury, even a minor one, what many coaches call a “dinger” or when the player sees stars or is briefly disorientated, they need to sit. These are mild concussions and not sitting can be dangerous. Last year the New York Times did a series of 15 articles on the results of repeated concussions in players from youth through pros. They found that the long term consequences of repeat concussions were: persistent headaches, fatigue, difficulty paying attention (ADD-like symptoms), memory problems, mood swings and personality changes. In a few cases even death resulted. 

    Don’t take even ‘minor’ hits lightly. “When in doubt, sit them out.” That is the strong advice of Dr. Robert C. Cantu, one of the leading experts on concussions. (As quoted in the New York Times Aug. 25, 2009) Dr. Cantu is a co-author of the National Athletic Trainers Association position paper on sports-related concussions.

    These ‘dings’ to the head do not only come from sports. Parents know that young children bang their heads frequently as they learn how to navigate their world. Take the same advice, make them rest and not exert themselves after a hit to the head, even minor.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Respect for others peoples time

I do a fair amount of interviews for both print and media. Until recently have I had mostly good experiences.  Notice how I said "until recently."  The process usually starts out where both parties agree on a time that they can both be available to speak on the phone or physically meet in person. You'd think that since you both agreed on a given time that there wouldn't be any problems there. WRONG! If your running late for an appt, common courtesy is to phone/email/text- SOMETHING giving the other party a heads up that your going to be late.  And we do this why??-respectfully so that the other party isn't left guessing, sitting waiting, etc... I seriously wonder exactly how much time people waste in a period of 24 hours waiting for other people to show/call/email etc...
Have some consideration.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Spitting ughhhh

While taking a run this morning on the Chicago lakefront I did something I feel badly about. As I was well into my run my mouth developed a good deal of saliva as we men are often known to do. I looked behind me to my left and then to my right to see if another runner or cyclist was approaching me from behind because clearly there was no one approaching me. I prepared that mouthful of spittle, took a deep breath and off it went out of my mouth and on its way toward helping the lakefront grass to some nutrients. But, alas, from out of nowhere a cyclist going at an estimated speed approaching Contador and Armstrong dueling down a French mountain, came next to me at the moment of launch and my well intended lawn additive landed squarely in this cyclist’s face. After a string of choice words and a bit of a wobble on his expensive road bike he didn’t break pace and sped off.

My first reaction to this unfortunate incident was, “Oooops! I feel so bad, sorry good sir.” But, as I jogged on my merry way also not breaking stride from my blistering 10.0 mph pace I thought about how many times I had seen cyclists speed by runners, walkers, groups on this same path thinking they are re-creating a stage of the TOUR and ride up upon people without warning. I have seen cyclists run right into the backside of runners, I have seen runners change lanes suddenly and bikers swerve to avoid a crash only to be thrown violently from their bike. All of this that could have been avoided had the cyclist given the proper, “On your left” to warn the foot traffic on the path that they are approaching.

I do feel bad about what happened this morning, but cyclists please, give a warning as you approach foot traffic on the paths! At the very least you’ll be protected from the possible face full of spit.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Meaning of Life

I saw this and found it to be quite true.
We're just wired differently.

My books...

On the right side of this page I added links to most of my books.  Don't forget, "Family Fit" is fresh off the press and ready to be part of your family!

The Success of Pro Sports

t is astounding that pro team owners focus their energy on the raw materials (players) in their businesses and not on what obtained the lofty status of pro sports in the US, that is marketing, sales and branding of sport. They treat this raw material as if it is a precious commodity, when in reality it is not. There is plenty of raw material available. Pro sports in the United States didn’t get to be such a lucrative industry because of the raw materials, the players, it got to be lucrative because of how it was brilliantly sold to the American Public.

We would have less problem with the thug mentality in pro sports, cheating in pro sports, scandals, doping, etc. If the focus was put back on what made pro sports successful in the first place. It wasn’t the raw materials it was the SELL.

Family Fit is finally out!!

My latest book, Family Fit, is finally out and I'm very excited to be able to share it with you.  A great deal of heart and soul went into this book.  I'm a firm believer in living a healthy lifestyle and this book is my way of sharing my knowledge with you all. 
It's available in book form and digital form with Amazons Kindle.  Great gift idea for that parent or family you car pool with.
I'm pretty proud of it!
you can find it here -


Backpacks should weigh only 10-20% of your child’s weight. Straps should be close to the body to prevent back pain. Clean out regularly to reduce weight. Heavier objects nearer to body---all to prevent back strain.

High School Football Warning

Believe it or not but high school football practice is in full swing around the US. A new study reported in The Journal of Athletic Training that high school football players experience greater acceleration forces to their heads when they collide with other players than college players do increasing the danger of injuries such as concussions. The lead investigator of the study, Steven Broglio of the University of Illinois recommends that coaches spend more time teaching the fundamentals in techniques to players, especially keeping your head up and avoiding using the top of the helmet to collide with another player as this can increase the possibility of cervical injury. Pass this alarm onto high school coaches you work with.

Also, speaking of football, congratulations to my friend, Coach Frank Lenti of Mt. Carmel High School in Chicago who was just named by Chicago Magazine in their ‘Best of Chicago’ article as the best football coach in Chicago. Yes, best football coach, not high school football coach, football coach, period. Congratulations Frank!

Thuggery in the NFL

Plaxico Burress accepted a plea deal that will place him in jail for two years for carrying an illegal weapon into a night club and then accidentally shooting himself. Many sports analysts seemed more interested in when Mr. Burress would be back to play football than discussing the ramifications of Mr. Burress’ actions. It seems that much thuggery has surrounded the NFL as of late and many analysts are focused more on how much football these individuals will miss and not on opening a dialogue on how these activities can be prevented. Playing football in the NFL is a privilege, one that for many is a highly compensated privilege. Because playing football in the NFL is a privilege it can and in some cases should be taken away permanently when deemed necessary. Sports analysts should be focusing on why players such as Plaxico Burress should be allowed to play again and not when can they can play. There needs to be more dialogue on how we can prevent these thuggish actions. Furthermore, commissioner Goodell needs to have zero tolerance when individuals do not uphold the standards of conduct set forth by the NFL and society.