Thursday, February 18, 2010

Oprah Comes up Lame-

This time Oprah is lame, as in 'Lame Duck.' That is the only way I can explain how her production company (HARPO) is developing a new show with Nate Berkus. The show's theme is: "Need help with your teenage daughter? Are you constantly fighting with your daughter? Whether it's her wardrobe, boys, or her messy room, are you finding it hard to get through to her? Do you wish your daughter would listen to you more and take your advice? Let Nate Berkus help you maneuver through teen drama." Nate Berkus is an interior designer. Ok, he's going to tell us how to parent our daughters? Educators, psychologists, counselors, social workers should be furious. Where and when did this guy get his training to solve these problems? Does anyone at HARPO have a conscience? Have they considered the potential harm they could cause by an interior designer giving problem advice? Is Oprah paying attention to these people? I must admit to a guilty indulgence. I had respected Oprah, even admired her in the past. For every 16 programs that had incestuous hillbillies and 11 of celebrities jumping on couches, she would have 1 or 2 that raised the level of intelligence of the USA. By George, she should be forgiven for that 27:2 ratio just on what she has done for reading in this country. I looked away at Dr. Phil, shuddered as he paraded out his son as an expert on teens based on the boy's credentials of just having been one, the arrogant Art Smith was/is irksome but I could just avoid those shows, the Wizard of Oz, well he seems to enjoy himself, to hell with everyone else. But, an interior designer giving parenting advice? Is this an extended middle finger to America in the last year of the show? Take this America, it doesn't take years of training and experience and decades of research to tell you how to care for teen girls, just consult the cutest interior designer you can find. It's easy. Isn't it about time that organizations like the APA and the NASW spoke out to defend their professions? Isn't that what we pay dues for? For them to protect our professions and guide the public to turn to trained people to help with these issues? If such a folly as this encroached on medicine, the AMA would shut this nonsense down in a heartbeat-probably right after mini-Phil started spouting out as an expert on teens. Maybe it's time we all question where our dues goes to these organizations? Oprah, don't be a lame (duck) control your people. You only have a few more months, go out in style.


  1. Wow Dr Mayer! You seem really upset that you weren't picked? Actually I would be more interested in taking advice from someone who has raised teenagers than from someone who has just psycho analysed them...

  2. The above commenter clearly doesn't respect or honor what it takes to be considered an expert or professional. If I suffer from cancer, does it make me a cancer expert? I think not! It may make me an expert on my personal experience with cancer, or even an expert on my body, but it would hardly qualify me to be a "cancer expert"... I couldn't agree more with your comments Dr. Mayer. It is so highly irresponsible for these media personalities to come out and talk about themselves or others as experts on anything other than what they really are. Excellent post!
